Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hello and Thank you all for joining us for our second week on the road (or just our second week in Ethel K. but whateva.). It is my honor to introduce this week's topic: the sweet jamz of today. I must tell you however, it would be impossible to cover sweet jamz in just one blog entry, so today's blog is part 1 in numerous entries to come. I also must confess that I am a newbie in the world of 'really cool' music. I mean I feel that I have a good taste in is what is good, I have just always listened to the familiar...until...Sarah Briggs. In more than one way has she certainly opened my eyes, but I must say music is definitely the area she has broadened my horizons the greatest. A few musical talents that I now appreciate because of Sarah are: Okkervil River, Bon Iver, Wolf Parade, The Everybodyfields, and so many more. Sarah Briggs however, is not the only one I contribute my new found appreciation for sweet jamz, I must commend Brandon Berg also for his infinite wisdom is this precious area. Brandon has inspired me through music in ways I am not sure he knows. In other words, I am thankful to have such a friend. Because of Brandon I now have a great appreciation for John Mark McMillian and Radiohead.
Furthermore, today's blog will consist of the same format as last week's--Q&A format, but with a twist! Brandon Berg will be guest blogging with Sarah. I will ask the questions and then Both of then will individually respond. Thank you again for your time and dedication to our blog. We are overwhelmed with thanksgiving for all of our followers.

Here We GO!

Chelsea: What kind of influence does music play in you life?
Sarah: Apart from swimming in the lives of music majors (who are all dear to my heart) that I cohabitate with, I'd say music is close to being like oxygen to me. Music is what I hear. It's how I think a lot of the time. It's how I worship. I listen to good music. I'm very picky, I only take suggestions on singers/bands from people who's music collection I know and respect. I have about four people who's suggestions for music I sincerely appreciate.
Brandon: it drove me to being a music major. and to play music for churches on sundays.

Chelsea: In your infinite wisdom, who/what are the top three musical artists I (and our readers) should be listening to right now?
-Fleet Foxes: Okay. I know. I said I wasn't going to put them on this thing, and I'll put them first to get them out of the way. A lot of people I know who listen to good music either love or hate these guys. And I'm going to be completely honest and say that I hadn't given them much thought until I saw their perfomance on SNL a few weeks ago. Robin Pecknold and his band of roughians totally bought their tickets to the Indie Express Train, like so many others, and journeyed deep into the middle of nowhere to record albums. Maybe this is the approach every band should take. Excluding yourself from society proves the dedication and talent these dudes have for their music. Their alblum "Fleet Foxes" was on every best of 2008 list I read. And their harmonies are killer. So get the album. It's on Sub Pop, and anybody who's anybody is on Sub Pop. And let's start a collection fund to by Robin Pecknold some longer pants.
watch this:,4521
-The Arcade Fire: First, watch this first:,2867
If you didn't fall in love after watching this video you can turn Katie Perry back on and discontinue reading and I don't want to be your friend anymore. This band is in my top five forever and ever now. I've only been all over their junk for two years now, but it seems like a lifetime. There are so many people in this band. They all play any and every musical instrument you can imagine. They yell and they scream and they don't give a shit about what it sounds like, so long as they like it. They had an organ on stage when I saw them live. AN ORGAN. I thought organs were only for my Southern Baptist church and lame people, but I was wrong. They're in the midst of writing (possibly recording?) some demos for a new album. So go buy Funeral, because it is one of the greatest albums of our time. Then buy Neon Bible. And they just released a documentary directed by the indredibly gifted Vincent (Moon) Morisset, which I'm going to buy soon so we can all just watch it together.
-John Mark McMillan: I completely blame Brandon for this obsession I have developed for JM, since Brandon is the one to give me "The Medicine" in the first place. I took JM to the next level, though, when I gave the cd to my sister. We listened it together while driving around one of God's greatest creations, the Blue Ridge Mountains, and it was during this day we each truly realized how big God is. This cd is all we jam to now. JM went to an even further level with me when I realized I could associate him with my mother and her friends who are recipents of lung transplants. The song "Skeleton Bones" has a line that made me tear up after hearing it, "We want your blood to flow inside our bodies/We want your wind inside our lungs/ We just want to love you/We just want to love you." So of course, I burned (or burnt?) a mix cd for my mom and her lung transplant support group. I think they loved it. I don't even know how many copies of "The Medicine" I've given out. I carry around copies in my car to give to anyone I meet, which reminds me I need to burn some more since I'm all out. (Also, JM's wife, Sarah McMillan is pretty cool too. They sing about rolling stones a lot.) watch this:
Brandon: in my opinion, Fleet Foxes has a cool thing going. they are another one of those bands that crawled out of a big tree in the appalachians or big sur or somewhere. but they have really good and simple and catchy vocals. i guess its kind of aqcuired. but it gets better as you listen. i also bought John Mark McMillans new album a few months ago, and listened to it a lot but i can still listen to it. alot. and Bruce Springsteen because rolling stone said so.

Chelsea: Who would you choose to sing you to sleep every night?
Sarah: Is this even a question? Brandon Berg. Maybe Gregg Gillis. But Taylor Hanson most of all.
Brandon: Zooey Deschanel. or Sarah Poindexder. dont tell taylor.

Chelsea: If you could be a part of any band, what band would it be?
Sarah: A real, legit band with all my friends. I have several people in my mind that I know would be awesome together. Singin' about God and life.
Brandon: The one i put together. Ready? The drummer from Mewithoutyou, Johnny Greenwood from radiohead and the guitar player from minus the bear too, and someone from sigur ros. maybe the keyboard player. anddd the bass bass player from radiohead. Johnny greenwoods brother. i forgot his name. so basically i want to be in radiohead. cause id probably pick thom yorke to sing. or scott stapp.

Chelsea: Who/what was the best show you have ever been to?
Sarah: Loney, Dear/Of Montreal, March 2007.
Brandon: i havent seen a lot. but coldplay was pretty good. i guess that is expected. and The Shins was a close second. Radiohead was okay

Chelsea: If you could choose one song to describe your life right now, what would it be?
Sarah: "He Waters My Soul" - Sarah McMillan.
Brandon: Roll to Me - Del Amitri.

Thank you Sarah and Brandon for sharing such wisdom, honesty, and just plain 'coolness' with me and our faithful followers. You both are extraordinary people that I am encouraged by daily and thankful for the friendship we have been given.

As we conclude, my fellow reader, I encourage you this week to listen to some of these sweet jamz listed above. I know personally, I have grown through the music that has been placed before me. Music is a powerful make a joyful noise my friends.

Love and Peace.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Since the start of our friendship Sarah has introduced me to films I would not have necessarily picked first-hand and the same is with music (but that is a whole other blog). I am greatly appreciative of her taste for the arts and I have grown certainly through her fine suggestions. Since our return to school this semester, we have seen two tremendous films at an awesome Fine Arts Theatre in Charlotte: Revolutionary Road and Milk. The following are simple questions I have prepared for Sarah to answer uncandidly about her take on these two films along with her response to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I have not yet seen this film so I have no question to ask at this time). Therefore, in essence, I will ask the questions, Sarah will answer, and then, if appropriate, I will comment on her responses. Thank you for tuning in this week, we are thankful for your attention.

Here we GO!

Revolutionary Road:
Chelsea: What is one word that you would use to describe this movie?
Sarah: Bleak. Completely.

Chelsea: Which character in this movie do you most relate with?
Sarah: I know without a doubt in my mind I relate to April Wheeler, who is portrayed flawlessly by actress Kate Winslet. The entire time while viewing the film, and since then actually, I've constantly been battling myself and trying to figure out how not to end up in the same boat as April. I have reached a stage in my life where I have realized that my decisions now are really going to affect me the rest of my life. By being so careful about critically analyzing every possible outcome of every area of my life, I've become careless to the fact that life is happening now, it's present, it's in the moment. And it's really happening. April was stuck in a life she never dreamed of. I hope I take more chances than April Wheeler.

Chelsea: Why did you want to see this movie?
Sarah: Being from Asheville, I have several good friends who are homosexual, so the main reason I wanted to see this film is to understand more about the emotional and political history of this "group" of people. Harvey Milk was a revolutionary man, who deserves to be ranked with Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, JR, and Susan B. Anthony and the many others who have fought for their own civil rights.

Chelsea: What did you take away from it?
Sarah: This film just caused my general love for the human race to grow. Compassionate people made in God's image come in all shapes, colors, creed, and gender preference. The Bible commands me to "love my neighbor" regardless of any differences, and it is my faith that compels me to genuinely love and care for people. Milk just reaffirmed this for me.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button:
Sarah: First of all, this film is completely different from the short story written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. But this might be a rare instance that I like the film version more than the original material. Much like Milk, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is about a man's struggle with a life that is completely opposite of the "norm". No one can be certain of that sort of life they will be dealt, but it is up to them to make the most of it, which is what Ben Button accomplishes. He tours himself all over the world, meeting lovers and lifelong comrades, and he also finds love in it's purest form, and has to make the difficult decision of walking away from that certain love. Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchett deserve every award nomination for this film that they receive. Director David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club) has a great eye behind the camera, and does not fail to disappoint his fans with Benjamin Button. Another thing that greatly entertained me about the film was a trailer I saw long before the film was released. The trailer featured the song "My Body Is A Cage" (!) by the Texan/Canadian band The Arcade Fire (a band I hope to further elaborate on soon). This might be the most fitting song for a film since Randy Newman's "You Got A Friend In Me" for the Disney/Pixar film Toy Story.
I currently have a running list of films I need to see that seems to grow with each trip to the theatre. Other than the three above films (which you need to see if you already haven't), I'm currently recommending the two followers of this blog to see: The Reader, Slumdog Millionaire, and Gran Torino. Also the French film I've Loved You So Long, but it isn't released until March.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

In the Beginning...

Bienvinedos. This is the start to something spectacular and it is my privilege to share this social experiment with the world. My name is Chelsea and I will be your host blogger throughout this trip. My best friend Sarah and I have come up with this genius idea for our current blog. This blog will serve as a sounding board for weekly installments by the two of us where I will ask Sarah any type of question and she will simply answer appropriately. The questions have no bounds and neither do Sarah's answers. Therefore, I must state that I take no responsibility for her answers nor do my views necessarily reflect any of hers, but my hope and prayer for both of us is that through this time of Q&A our hearts and minds will be expanded. We are however, open to suggestions regarding questions you would like to see answered. Thank you for joining me as I embark on journey inside the infamous world of Sarah Briggs.



A reading from the great Hinduism religion states, "Love of life, moving along by its own potency, exists even in the wise." I, by no means, regard myself as being wise in any sense of the word, yet when Chelsea and I had the idea to create a blog to share with this universe we call the Internet, I jumped at the opportunity to express some of my thoughts and ideas. Now, I am not, and may perhaps never be, 100% certain of my own beliefs and opinions concerning various topics, but I feel like this blog could in fact help me to determine and express my thoughts. Or it could just be a great laugh for our dear friends.

--Chelsea & Sarah.